Thursday, March 09, 2006

New Blog Name

Sooo... I have heard from a few of you that I should possibly change my blog name to something more to do with our whole family, instead of just King Ben.

Well...I like my name, because pretty much everything in my posts have to do with Ben in some way. But, if anyone can come up with a cute title to do with the Conway's, shoot it on over. I really can't think of a cool blog name at this time, but I will keep racking my brain.

I know it's my blog, and my imagination in which I will make it entirely mine, but seriously I'm not coming up with much..

So after 2 months of trying to figure this thing out, I finally got a picture by my name. Genius...whatcha thing???


Sunday said...

Very impressive Barb! Can you teach me how to put a picture by my name?

Anonymous said...

Howz about "Pillow Talk--Pull Up a Root Beer and Lets Chat"? ;) I know...I am evil. I have actually been seriously trying to come up with something for ya. I will keep you posted... :)