Monday, January 30, 2006


So....I thought doing a little daydreaming would work.

This was not the greatest of weekends, and truthfully I said to myself a few weeks ago, well this rain won't get me down, what a great opportunity to get alot of unfinished things I have going on, projects, cleaning ect... done. I will take advantage of this time. I lied, no really ,I must have been lying to myself and to along with others. This rain is depressing. I am actually going out of my mind at times, not being able to soak up some good old hot sunshine..Liquid sunshine, ah, won't do it.

Ben has been sick this past week, well let me tell you, he got his energy back . I think it started friday nite, and that kid was bouncing off walls the whole weekend. He was into everything he shouldn't have been. We really tried to be good parents and play with him, amuse him, and go along with his crazy, energetic mood. Let's face it ,the grey days made us cranky and tired.

At one point last nite ,let's see probably about 6pm, Alan yells in to me and says" Hey, have you heard of any kindof schools they may have on the weekends for kids Ben's age???"

He was kidding of course, but I think his brain had, had just about enough of Goodnite, Moon.,I love you this much, oh, and every other book in his basket. Along with throwing the football around the house, and at Alan's face several times.

Well I will keep this picture in mind, and keep daydreaming for the day the sun peaks out, dries everything up, and I hear the laughter of my son's voice screaming thru the yard.Posted by Picasa

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